full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kathryn Schulz: Don't regret regret

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So top six regrets — the things we regret most in life: Number one by far, education. 33 percent of all of our regrets pertain to decisions we made about education. We wish we'd gotten more of it. We wish we'd taken better andvgtaae of the education that we did have. We wish we'd choesn to study a different tiopc. Others very high on our list of regrets include career, romance, parenting, various decisions and cceoihs about our sense of self and how we spend our leisure time — or actually more specifically, how we fail to sepnd our leisure time. The rninameig regrets pertain to these things: finance, family issues unrelated to romance or penanrtig, health, friends, spirituality and community.

Open Cloze

So top six regrets — the things we regret most in life: Number one by far, education. 33 percent of all of our regrets pertain to decisions we made about education. We wish we'd gotten more of it. We wish we'd taken better _________ of the education that we did have. We wish we'd ______ to study a different _____. Others very high on our list of regrets include career, romance, parenting, various decisions and _______ about our sense of self and how we spend our leisure time — or actually more specifically, how we fail to _____ our leisure time. The _________ regrets pertain to these things: finance, family issues unrelated to romance or _________, health, friends, spirituality and community.


  1. topic
  2. chosen
  3. choices
  4. remaining
  5. parenting
  6. advantage
  7. spend

Original Text

So top six regrets — the things we regret most in life: Number one by far, education. 33 percent of all of our regrets pertain to decisions we made about education. We wish we'd gotten more of it. We wish we'd taken better advantage of the education that we did have. We wish we'd chosen to study a different topic. Others very high on our list of regrets include career, romance, parenting, various decisions and choices about our sense of self and how we spend our leisure time — or actually more specifically, how we fail to spend our leisure time. The remaining regrets pertain to these things: finance, family issues unrelated to romance or parenting, health, friends, spirituality and community.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
life free 2
experience regret 2
feel regret 2
financial decisions 2
regrets pertain 2
leisure time 2
regret feels 2
feels awful 2
consistent component 2
cover acts 2
control freaks 2
profound regrets 2
important lessons 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
regret feels awful 2

Important Words

  1. advantage
  2. career
  3. choices
  4. chosen
  5. community
  6. decisions
  7. education
  8. fail
  9. family
  10. finance
  11. friends
  12. health
  13. high
  14. include
  15. issues
  16. leisure
  17. list
  18. number
  19. parenting
  20. percent
  21. pertain
  22. regret
  23. regrets
  24. remaining
  25. romance
  26. sense
  27. specifically
  28. spend
  29. spirituality
  30. study
  31. time
  32. top
  33. topic
  34. unrelated